A wintry color palette
A wintry color palette, inspired by a photo of the view outside my window.
A wintry color palette, inspired by a photo of the view outside my window.
Have you ever noticed that no matter where you go in the United States, the highway exit signs are the exact same color? It’s the same with National Park signs, which are all the same shade of nature-evoking brown whether you’re at the Grand Canyon or the Great Smoky Mountains. That’s not a coincidence –…
At Nexa, two of the things we love most are colors and words. That’s why we’re feeling particularly excited about Smithsonian Books republishing Werner’s Nomenclature of Colours (our copy is on the way!). The book is a pocket-sized guide to colors in the pre-photography era, cataloging a dazzling array of shades with vividly descriptive names…